The Dream

In this hurried life we are living, the way we are working, the fads we are wearing, it's apparent that we have lost a sense of personal touch. That personal element which is the reason for that twinkle in the eye, that feeling when you make a piece of art or just admire a beautiful one. We have lost the sense to appreciate small things, to think about the time and effort taken to make art, be it in any form.
In this time of globalization, our beautiful Indian textile has taken a back seat. No more are we treasuring vintage handloom sarees. We would rather buy a product from a high street brand than get a hand-woven shawl.

I don’t blame this habit though; there is a huge gap in the market for contemporary Indian textiles. There is little innovation in this sector and very little affordable fashion.
Reviving diminishing handlooms and introducing young gen to their roots is what DORI is all about. My Woven Dream.

Every Dori design has contemporary silhouette and appeal but there is a story behind each one of them.
This blog will have details about the process of making them, some behind the scene action, outfit ideas and stories. Story of the family who spends hours and days weaving, the story of artisans who have mastered the art of intricate embroidery and my story of bringing it to life.

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